Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Obama's State of the Union Speech

Obama seems to be trying to unite the country. Although there are many things that he does that everyone may not agree with, it is not hard to see how much he is dedicated to America and the people of America. When he talked about the Republicans and Democrats getting along and working together for the change everyone wants to see instead of arguing and disagreeing about everything, he reminds everyone what this country is all about. America is supposed to be about the people and what is best for them despite their differences.
Lately, people haven't been hiding their criticisms for Obama and the change (or lack of change) that has happened over the course of the past year. But, he explained the things that have actually improved even if it is just a little bit, and shows his optimism about the future of America. The people lately have been putting too much weight on the president, and not doing enough themselves. They seem to expect Obama to be able to fix all that's wrong in this country in as quick as a year, which isn't really possible with all he has on his plate. Even though I think that he could be doing a little more to improve everything, I haven't really done anything myself to make things better.

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