Friday, February 12, 2010

Families Spearated By Miles, Laws; Immigration Rules for Close Relatives to be Re-Examined

This article showed the problems with U.S. immigration today. It is really hard for people to get into the United States, and it can take years for a person to be approved for immigration. The article describes a man, Peter Aldeza, who immigrated here from the Phillippines twenty six years ago. His sister was supposed to follow him here, but it wasn't until 2008 that she was approved to immigrate here. "Their story embodies the experience of thousands of families waiting on a legal immigration process bogged down by delays, a frustration that lies at the heart of renewed efforts to reform the U.S. immigration system." Of course, this system can't possibly be perfect or even make everybody happy. It's hard to take into consideration all the factors of immigration and still maintain our culture and infrastructure that many conservative's are worried about. A new bill is being introduced that will try to maintain family unity and allow people to immigrate with their immediate family members to avoid situations such as Aldeza's. I think that this shows a complicated issue involving immigration. There are people who are for and against more immigrants coming here. Because of this, we have regulations and laws about immigration requiring each immigrant to be approved to come here before they actually do. I can't imagine moving to a foreign country alone, and I don't know if I would go through with it if I had to. It shows a lot of willpower and determination for a better life that immigrants are willing to come here and leave their family and friends behind, waiting possibly years until they could join you. Immigrants should definitely be aloud to bring immediate family with them easier. But, this could also maybe lead to problems with people pretending to be related and a lot of immigrants coming here at once. It's crazy that after all these years, immigration is still a very controversial issue and is still discussed and faught about. I'm not really sure that this problem will ever be solved in a way that will make everyone happy and work good for everybody but I hope someday this issue will be closer to being solved.

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