Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Immigration began as something America welcomed. Early America needed immigrants to jumpstart the economy and populate the country. But, not long after the creation of this country, Americans began the recurring anti-immigration sentiment. "This periodic hostility toward immigration has been sparked by a variety of motives, from simple anti-alian prejudice to fears of job competition and concerns about real or imagined threats to traditional American culture." After a few generations of immigrants thrived in America, they began to fear what would happen if too many people came in from other countries; that the solidifying American culture and freedoms they have would disappear. Because of these fears, those who immigrated from other countries would not be considered American until they had lived here for generations. This article also describes a little about illegal immigration, which is an issue discussed here a lot lately. The largest amount of illegal immigrants come in from Mexico, which most people know. Because illegal and legal immigrants are mostly living in California, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, or Texas, a "disprportionate share of the economic costs and social strains associated with high illegal immigrant populations" is put on a small number of states and localities. Although many economic problems can be associated with illegal immigration, this article also shows how they have benefited the economy. Slavery is illegal, and for good reason, but a large percent of farm workers in California are illegal immigrants. "Without them, many crops in California and similar states would either go unharvested or be forced up so dramatically in price, due to the increased costs of native-born labor, as to put a heavy burden on the nation's food consumers." Despite all the criticism of illegal immigration, I don't really understand why people don't look at the big picture and realize that these men and women are doing many jobs that a lot of us would rather not be doing such as mowing lawns, doing construction, and apparently, farming. "Regardless of the benefits and drawbacks of both legal and illegal immigration, the issue promises to retain its position as one of the most controversial in American society for some time to come." For all the years immigration has been discussed and changed, it is not suprising that it is and probably always will be a problem. To the world, America shows itself as a country of freedom, happiness, and opportunity. Why wouldn't people from countries where the people have little food, choice, and opportunity want to live here?

"immigration." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 28 Jan. 2010. .

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